The BIO TEN provides a design perspective on the use of biobased materials within local systems to complement circular design approaches.

The BIO TEN are a set of cards describing circular design principles to inspire design stakeholders to use them in their work. They offer a unique perspective that includes the use of biobased materials and local systems as key to circular design. By using these cards to inspire their thinking in the very early stages of the design process, design stakeholders can start a shift to more sustainable practices.

The cards are best used in collaborative activities to support discussion and conceptualisation of new product ideas. They can be used in conjunction with the garment scenario tool to develop a concept that embodies one or several cards.

Participants should be briefed prior to the workshop to bring a product from a range that they are interested in redesigning. This can be a bestseller or a particularly challenging product. 

The BIO TEN cards have been developed in close collaboration between the HEREWEAR partners and tested in community workshops in Iasi, London, Antwerp, and Paris. They can support the development of design concepts that represent a shift to biobased, local, and circular design.

You will need:

  • A group of design stakeholders, these can be people from the same company from different brands working on one product
  • A set of printed BIO TEN cards for each group of participants; 
  • An A3 printed product scenario poster for each group
  • A product to redesign (see facilitation guide for the Product Scenarios for more detail)
  • Pens and sticky notes

The BIO TEN cards, and a facilitation guide are available when you click the Download Full Documentation button above.

Suggested reading & viewing

Other design guides:

People to follow

University of the Arts London
Rebecca Earley is Professor of Sustainable Fashion Textile Design and co-founder of Centre for Circular Design. Rebecca develops sustainable fashion...

Laetitia Forst

University of the Arts London