Garment Scenarios

The garment scenario tool represents the full lifecycle of a garment and encourages users to consider how each aspect of a garment can be designed to be biobased, local, and circular.

The garment scenario tool represents the full lifecycle of a garment and encourages users to consider how each aspect of a garment can be designed to be biobased, local, and circular.  The scenario can be used either to redesign an existing garment by imagining changes to its design for each stage of the lifecycle, or it can be used to design a new garment from scratch and consider its full lifecycle.

If opting for the redesign of an existing garment version of this workshop, participants should be briefed to bring a garment from their range that they are interested in redesigning. This can be a bestseller or a particularly challenging garment.

The tool has been developed and tested with HEREWEAR model communities in Antwerp, Iasi, London, and Bridport. Each iteration with the garment scenario produces a local ‘mini-case study’ for biobased, circular, and local design.

To create your own garment scenario, you will need:

• A group of design stakeholder participants (no more than 6 people in each group)

• The physical garment to redesign (if taking this option)

• One printed Garment Scenario A3 worksheet for each group

• Pens and sticky notes 

You can also carry out this activity online by placing the garment Scenario worksheet in a collaborative whiteboard platform (e.g. Miro or Mural) and annotating it digitally. You can use a photograph of the garment to redesign if needed.

The worksheets and facilitation guide can be downloaded by clicking the button at the top of the page.

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Laetitia Forst

University of the Arts London
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University of the Arts London
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