Story-making for Local Making

Story-Making is a playful activity for diverse local stakeholders to begin a conversation about how to begin their journey towards producing things locally. Using this tool, these stories can be explored, co-created, roadmapped and then actioned.

The Story-Making Elements have been developed through engagement with the HEREWEAR Community, beginning in San Leucio, Naples, during an ecosystem mapping workshop and tested with the community in Bridport, UK.

Story-Making is inspired by the popular children's game where a set of pictorial dice are thrown to create a random set of elements to create a story. Making stories can be a powerful way for people from different cultures, industries and disciplines to find common ground and new ways to share value - it’s not just for children! 

Story-Making for Local Making is a tool to help communities to make stories together, creating a common space and ‘level playing field’ for beginning a new collaborative journey. 

To play ‘in real life’ you will need:

  • Story-Making Worksheets (ideally printed A3)
  • A diverse group of local stakeholders (no more than 6 in each group)
  • Tables and chairs 
  • Pens 
  • Sticky notes (optional) 
  • A set of Story-Making Cubes (optional) 

To play ‘online’ you will need:

  • Story-Making Facilitation Guide
  • A diverse group of local stakeholders (no more than 6 in each group)
  • MIRO board (online)

To make a real set of Story-Making cubes:

Our set of Story-Making Cubes was made by liaising with a producer who has digital wood-etching equipment and expertise. We supplied the element icons in a PDF and the producer etched these onto each wooden cube. You may also be able to achieve this within a FABLAB. 

You can download the Story-Making Elements at the top of this page. 

People to follow

Rosie Hornbuckle is Senior Researcher in Complex Design Collaboration at University of the Arts London. Rosie's practice involves supporting the...